Frame 2126: 280 bytes on wire (2240 bits), 280 bytes captured (2240 bits) on interface \Device\NPF_{507378E2-713B-446E-9E30-A861E19B2786}, id 0 Section number: 1 Interface id: 0 (\Device\NPF_{507378E2-713B-446E-9E30-A861E19B2786}) Interface name: \Device\NPF_{507378E2-713B-446E-9E30-A861E19B2786} Interface description: Ethernet Encapsulation type: Ethernet (1) Arrival Time: May 16, 2024 11:10:30.031241000 ora legale Europa occidentale UTC Arrival Time: May 16, 2024 09:10:30.031241000 UTC Epoch Arrival Time: 1715850630.031241000 [Time shift for this packet: 0.000000000 seconds] [Time delta from previous captured frame: 0.001163000 seconds] [Time delta from previous displayed frame: 1.190847000 seconds] [Time since reference or first frame: 15.114443000 seconds] Frame Number: 2126 Frame Length: 280 bytes (2240 bits) Capture Length: 280 bytes (2240 bits) [Frame is marked: False] [Frame is ignored: False] [Protocols in frame: eth:ethertype:ip:tcp:opcua] [Coloring Rule Name: TCP] [Coloring Rule String: tcp] Ethernet II, Src: ASUSTekCOMPU_3d:7c:cc (fc:34:97:3d:7c:cc), Dst: B&RIndustria_57:c8:a8 (00:60:65:57:c8:a8) Destination: B&RIndustria_57:c8:a8 (00:60:65:57:c8:a8) Address: B&RIndustria_57:c8:a8 (00:60:65:57:c8:a8) .... ..0. .... .... .... .... = LG bit: Globally unique address (factory default) .... ...0 .... .... .... .... = IG bit: Individual address (unicast) Source: ASUSTekCOMPU_3d:7c:cc (fc:34:97:3d:7c:cc) Address: ASUSTekCOMPU_3d:7c:cc (fc:34:97:3d:7c:cc) .... ..0. .... .... .... .... = LG bit: Globally unique address (factory default) .... ...0 .... .... .... .... = IG bit: Individual address (unicast) Type: IPv4 (0x0800) Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst: 0100 .... = Version: 4 .... 0101 = Header Length: 20 bytes (5) Differentiated Services Field: 0x00 (DSCP: CS0, ECN: Not-ECT) 0000 00.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Default (0) .... ..00 = Explicit Congestion Notification: Not ECN-Capable Transport (0) Total Length: 266 Identification: 0x0dea (3562) 010. .... = Flags: 0x2, Don't fragment 0... .... = Reserved bit: Not set .1.. .... = Don't fragment: Set ..0. .... = More fragments: Not set ...0 0000 0000 0000 = Fragment Offset: 0 Time to Live: 128 Protocol: TCP (6) Header Checksum: 0x0000 [validation disabled] [Header checksum status: Unverified] Source Address: Destination Address: Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 50726, Dst Port: 4840, Seq: 759, Ack: 969, Len: 226 Source Port: 50726 Destination Port: 4840 [Stream index: 6] [Conversation completeness: Incomplete (12)] ..0. .... = RST: Absent ...0 .... = FIN: Absent .... 1... = Data: Present .... .1.. = ACK: Present .... ..0. = SYN-ACK: Absent .... ...0 = SYN: Absent [Completeness Flags: ··DA··] [TCP Segment Len: 226] Sequence Number: 759 (relative sequence number) Sequence Number (raw): 804278992 [Next Sequence Number: 985 (relative sequence number)] Acknowledgment Number: 969 (relative ack number) Acknowledgment number (raw): 2560516158 0101 .... = Header Length: 20 bytes (5) Flags: 0x018 (PSH, ACK) 000. .... .... = Reserved: Not set ...0 .... .... = Accurate ECN: Not set .... 0... .... = Congestion Window Reduced: Not set .... .0.. .... = ECN-Echo: Not set .... ..0. .... = Urgent: Not set .... ...1 .... = Acknowledgment: Set .... .... 1... = Push: Set .... .... .0.. = Reset: Not set .... .... ..0. = Syn: Not set .... .... ...0 = Fin: Not set [TCP Flags: ·······AP···] Window: 8199 [Calculated window size: 8199] [Window size scaling factor: -1 (unknown)] Checksum: 0x84ed [unverified] [Checksum Status: Unverified] Urgent Pointer: 0 [Timestamps] [Time since first frame in this TCP stream: 14.220350000 seconds] [Time since previous frame in this TCP stream: 1.190472000 seconds] [SEQ/ACK analysis] [Bytes in flight: 226] [Bytes sent since last PSH flag: 226] TCP payload (226 bytes) [PDU Size: 226] OpcUa Binary Protocol Message Type: MSG Chunk Type: F Message Size: 226 SecureChannelId: 1844680072 Security Token Id: 1 Security Sequence Number: 1595 Security RequestId: 1545 OpcUa Service : Encodeable Object TypeId : ExpandedNodeId NodeId EncodingMask: Four byte encoded Numeric (0x01) NodeId Namespace Index: 0 NodeId Identifier Numeric: CallRequest (712) CallRequest RequestHeader: RequestHeader AuthenticationToken: NodeId .... 0010 = EncodingMask: Numeric of arbitrary length (0x2) Namespace Index: 0 Identifier Numeric: 1669600074 Timestamp: May 16, 2024 11:10:30.030718100 ora legale Europa occidentale RequestHandle: 1001544 Return Diagnostics: 0x00000000 .... .... .... ...0 = ServiceLevel / SymbolicId: False .... .... .... ..0. = ServiceLevel / LocalizedText: False .... .... .... .0.. = ServiceLevel / AdditionalInfo: False .... .... .... 0... = ServiceLevel / Inner StatusCode: False .... .... ...0 .... = ServiceLevel / Inner Diagnostics: False .... .... ..0. .... = OperationLevel / SymbolicId: False .... .... .0.. .... = OperationLevel / LocalizedText: False .... .... 0... .... = OperationLevel / AdditionalInfo: False .... ...0 .... .... = OperationLevel / Inner StatusCode: False .... ..0. .... .... = OperationLevel / Inner Diagnostics: False AuditEntryId: [OpcUa Null String] TimeoutHint: 10000 AdditionalHeader: ExtensionObject TypeId: NodeId .... 0000 = EncodingMask: Two byte encoded Numeric (0x0) Identifier Numeric: 0 EncodingMask: 0x00 .... ...0 = has binary body: False .... ..0. = has xml body: False MethodsToCall: Array of CallMethodRequest ArraySize: 1 [0]: CallMethodRequest ObjectId: NodeId .... 0001 = EncodingMask: Four byte encoded Numeric (0x1) Namespace Index: 8 Identifier Numeric: 5015 MethodId: NodeId .... 0001 = EncodingMask: Four byte encoded Numeric (0x1) Namespace Index: 8 Identifier Numeric: 7006 InputArguments: Array of Variant ArraySize: 14 [0]: Variant Variant Type: String (0x0c) String: LAV1 [1]: Variant Variant Type: String (0x0c) String: LAVORO UNO [2]: Variant Variant Type: String (0x0c) String: CLIENTE UNO [3]: Variant Variant Type: String (0x0c) String: forchetta_5 [4]: Variant Variant Type: String (0x0c) String: FORCHETTA [5]: Variant Variant Type: Array of String (0x8c) String: Array of String ArraySize: 1 [0]: String: M1 [6]: Variant Variant Type: Array of String (0x8c) String: Array of String ArraySize: 1 [0]: String: M2 [7]: Variant Variant Type: Array of String (0x8c) String: Array of String ArraySize: 1 [0]: String: M3 [8]: Variant Variant Type: Boolean (0x01) Boolean: False [9]: Variant Variant Type: UInt64 (0x09) UInt64: 100000 [10]: Variant Variant Type: UInt64 (0x09) UInt64: 100000 [11]: Variant Variant Type: Double (0x0b) Double: 0 [12]: Variant Variant Type: String (0x0c) String: Mould3 [13]: Variant Variant Type: UInt32 (0x07) UInt32: 8