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Connection problem with delphi
thank you for the details. I still do not know the reason, but we are getting somewhat closer. Unfortunately, the is not enough information in the event logs currently. So, I have improved that, and created a new QuickOPC build which should provide more information.
Can you please download the latest QuickOPC 2021.1 from , rebuild your project with it, run the test again, and post here the new log entries (they will be largely identical, but there should be one more, with the details I need)?
Verification: The new build should report itself as or later, in the Setup program etc.
Note: I do not quite understand the part of your post with TUACertificateAcceptancePolicy; if it was meant to work around the problem, it certainly does not help; but we can discuss that separately later.
Best regards
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it seem that have problem to create certificate.
i have also add after problem:
MyCertificate : TUACertificateAcceptancePolicy;
MyCertificate := TUACertificateAcceptancePolicy.Create(self);
myCertificate.AcceptAnyCertificate := true;
1) Worked 2 weeks ago and after that date i always Certificate problem....
2) It is a desktop app
3) 4 level under root (2 weeks ago works perfectly so i don't think taht is path problem)
4) This is my log:
Information(1201): Licensing for EasyUAClient component started, license serial number 1999422731, issuer name "OPC Labs", subject name "HITECHBEAT LLC".
Information(101): The OPC-UA engine is connecting to the underlying subsystems.
Information(132): OPC-UA engine SDK configuration successfully provided by "OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.Toolkit.InternalSdkConfigurationProvider".
Information(161): The OPC-UA engine has determined the client instance certificate parameters as listed below.
StorePath: %CommonApplicationData%\OPC Foundation\CertificateStores\MachineDefault
ApplicationName: HTBZIPDATA
ApplicationUri: urn:HPOFFICE::
Information(162): The OPC-UA engine will resolve the client instance certificate parameters directory store path to "C:\ProgramData\OPC Foundation\CertificateStores\MachineDefault".
Information(144): The OPC-UA engine has determined the application configuration parameters as listed below.
ProductUri: urn:literal:string:HTBZIPDATA
Information(106): The OPC-UA engine failed at tick 302395171 and will retry in 600000 milliseconds.
Error(102): The OPC-UA engine failed to connect to the underlying subsystems.
OPC-UA service result - Could not create a certificate via a proxy: The operation completed successfully = Bad.
StatusCode: {Bad} = 0x80000000 (2147483648)
+ The error occurred while checking the (client) application instance certificate. Check event log entries for errors and warnings. The certificate generator path was "C:\Progetti\BonattiOpcUaProject\History_RemoteSDK_Version_3\OpcUaHistorianService_RemoteSdk_ZipData\Opc.Ua.CertificateGenerator.exe".
+ This is an engine-level error..
Information(2026): The OPC-UA client session on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" failed at tick 302395328 and will retry in 10000 milliseconds.
Warning(3201): The status subscription for an OPC-UA session on endpoint URL "opc.tcp://" is in failure. Further such warnings on this session will not be logged.
OPC-UA service result - Could not create a certificate via a proxy: The operation completed successfully = Bad.
StatusCode: {Bad} = 0x80000000 (2147483648)
+ The error occurred while checking the (client) application instance certificate. Check event log entries for errors and warnings. The certificate generator path was "C:\Progetti\BonattiOpcUaProject\History_RemoteSDK_Version_3\OpcUaHistorianService_RemoteSdk_ZipData\Opc.Ua.CertificateGenerator.exe".
+ This is an engine-level error.
Information(2021): The OPC-UA client session with connect sequence number 1 is connecting to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
Warning(2022): The OPC-UA client session with connect sequence number 1 failed to connect to endpoint URL "opc.tcp://".
OPC-UA service result - Could not create a certificate via a proxy: The operation completed successfully = Bad.
StatusCode: {Bad} = 0x80000000 (2147483648)
+ The error occurred while checking the (client) application instance certificate. Check event log entries for errors and warnings. The certificate generator path was "C:\Progetti\BonattiOpcUaProject\History_RemoteSDK_Version_3\OpcUaHistorianService_RemoteSdk_ZipData\Opc.Ua.CertificateGenerator.exe".
+ This is an engine-level error.
Warning(2): INTERNAL WARNING. The OPC-UA engine has encountered an unexpected situation.
An exception has not been handled by the application domain "DefaultDomain", Id 1. The unhandled exception object is of type 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException'. The common language runtime is terminating.
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I have some questions:
1. Does this happen on one computer only, and works OK on others? Or everywhere?
2. What kind of application is your app? (console, desktop, service, Web, ...)
3. Which directory does your app reside in (is it a root? One level under the root? or more? - if you can, post here the full path.
4. Can you please add code to capture all LogEntry events, from the program start until the error occurs, and post them here? You can base it on this example: .
Thank you, and best regards
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i have installed 2019.2 version and 2021.1 version but i have this message error
"opc.tcp://" Disconnected(10000); *** Failure OpcLabs.UAEngine=1: UA SDK error (Opc.UA.ServiceResult=0x80890000) in 'ApplicationInstance.CheckApplicationInstanceCertificate'. OPC UA service result - {BadConfigurationError}. The CertificateGenerator utility is not installed. [...]
"opc.tcp://" Connecting; *** Failure OpcLabs.UAEngine=1: UA SDK error (Opc.UA.ServiceResult=0x80890000) in 'ApplicationInstance.CheckApplicationInstanceCertificate'. OPC
I have installed UA Configuration Tool 1.03 but i have same error.
i have always this error in debug:
Process ProjectTest.exe (4456)
Debug Output:
onecore\printscan\appxpackaging\signing\src\appxbundlesip.cpp(691)\AppxSip.dll!794DF6ED: (caller: 794DF612) ReturnHr(2) tid(1600) 80070032 The request is not supported.
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