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License Manager not working as expected
The problem was that you were using a license that covers versions up to 2018.3, with QuickOPC version 2021.2.
List of versions, their download links, release dates etc.: .
Best regards
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I believe the problem was that I had downloaded a copy of software tool boxes quick client.
Once I found out that I the software was basically the same as this I switched to the OPC Labs product and ran the installer but it must not have replaced the software tool boxes version.
After uninstalling both versions of software and reinstalling the OPC labs version the license manager worked and the control report the same serial number as the license manager
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This is the error i received
Run time is over the limit in license "Multipurpose", serial number 1111111120. The license you are running (most likely trial version) does not provide valid data after certain time period expires. Note that after the component's process is simply restarted, valid data will be provided again. Obtain and install proper license to permanently resolve this error.
Product information follows. Component name: "QuickOPC", license IDs: "Multipurpose", version number: 561, release date: 6/9/2021, trial validity: 397 days, option expression: "EasyDAClient".
Context: 1 dropped license(s); S/N 1999321252 (release date covered 7/7/2019).
+ The client method called (or event/callback invoked) was 'ReadMultipleItems'.
Reading this error I see version number 561 mentioned
It looks like my licence is good for version 530
This file I used to install the software is dated May 6 2019 not use why the error message says the software is from June 9 / 2021
I received the license May 7 2019
Could you send me a new license or a link to download the appropriate software.
Thank you
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if you get an error after 30 minutes of running, please capture the *full* error (exception) text, and post it here.
Best regards
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I ran the license manager and it shows I am licensed OK, Serial number = 1999321252 (screen shot attached)
However the control still times out in the devel environment.
I ran this
Private Sub GetSerialNum()
Dim C As EasyDAClient
Set C = New EasyDAClient
Dim sRet As String
sRet = Format(C.LicenseInfo("Multipurpose.SerialNumber"))
Me.lblSerNum.Caption = sRet
End Sub
and it returned 1111111120
What do I need to do to licence the control properly.
Thank you
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