Hello again!
(our solution with opc clients built-into VB6 ActiveX controls has earlier been described in thread "EasyOPC and VB6", or something like that, think that one disappeared with your server migration, but anyway)
We now have about 50 customers running this solution, and mostly it works fine, but from time to time we have had some EasyOPC crashes. This has happened on different of our customers servers.
Attached error message that appeared today, on one of our biggest servers.
On this server, there are 11 (VB6) ActiveX controls using EasyOPC 5.21 to connect to 7 different systems.
We have split the biggest of these systems into 5 clients, each with 8000-12000 opc items, connected via EasyOPC to a local OPC server (EXOopc from Regin AB)
The other ActiveX controls are hosting one opc client/system, each with 200-2000 items, via EasyOPC and Matrikon Tunneller (The OPC servers reside on separate communication servers)
In total EasyOPC on the main server is handling about 70000 items.
The OPC clients are using the event _MultipleItemsChanged to read from and _InvokeWriteItemValue to write to EasyOPC.
Some EasyOPC options are set different from default because of some "queue size errors" in earlier versions with default settings).
(the forum won't accept my attachment, so here they are:
Default event queue size: 200000
Topic request queue size: 200000
Topic response queue size: 200000
Link callback queue size: 100000)
Also unchecked "Abandoned interval minimum")
- Are we doing something wrong, or is there something buggy in EasyOPC ?
- Are there other settings that might help ?
- Have there been made any improvements on these issues in 5.22 ?
- We are aware that our application in total is consuming near the memory limit of a x32 application, and we can't take the advantage of x64 because it is still a VB6 ActiveX solution.
Are we simply stretching the limits (too far) both for VB6 and EasyOPC ?
Best regards,