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Event on a item doesn't work..
with the Single Developer + Runtime Free license, you get a single .BIN file that is both for development purposes (by one developer) and runtime deployments.
Best regards
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Just to be clear: We have 1 bin file and can use this with the licence maganager on both the Development Machine and the Production PC's?
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And, below is the part that describes installing the license:
3.7 License Manager
The License Manager is a utility that allows you to install, view and uninstall licenses.
In order to install a license, invoke the License Manager application (from the Start menu), select “QuickOPC 5.3” in the component drop-down, and press the Install license button. Then, point the standard Open File dialog to the license file (with .BIN) extension provided to you by your vendor.
Note: You need administrative elevated privileges to successfully install and uninstall licenses.
(in Windows 8 and later, you may have to look for the License manager alphabetically, or use the "Search" facility to locate the License Manager in the "Start Menu")
Best regards
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Thanks it works now. So I bought the licence but this link isn't working:
Can you give me the directions to install the Licence file? I have the .bin file
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Best regards
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had to insert it.

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I'm using your object in Access 2010.
I try to catch a event but he doesn't enter the function. Here is the code I use now:
Dim MonitoredItemArguments1 As EasyUAMonitoredItemArguments
Set MonitoredItemArguments1 = CreateObject("OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.OperationModel.EasyUAMonitoredItemArguments")
MonitoredItemArguments1.EndpointDescriptor.UrlString = "opc.tcp://STP-OPC-01.domain1.local:55101?None? "
MonitoredItemArguments1.NodeDescriptor.NodeId.ExpandedText = "ns=3;s=s7400.db500.16,r"
Set MonitoredItemArguments1.MonitoringParameters = MonitoringParameters
MonitoredItemArguments1.State = "D2"
Dim arguments(0)
Set arguments(0) = MonitoredItemArguments1
' Subscribe to OPC monitored items
Call client.SubscribeMultipleMonitoredItems(arguments)
Call client.WriteValue("opc.tcp://STP-OPC-01.domain1.local:55101?None? ", "ns=3;s=s7400.db500.16,r", 4) 'Real here I set a new value
Private Sub Client_MonitoredItemChanged(ByVal Sender As Variant, ByVal E As OpcLabs_EasyOpcUA.EasyUAMonitoredItemChangedEventArgs)
' Schedule an update. The cell name is passed to us in the State property.
Dim str As String
str = "" ' doesn't enter the breakpoint here.
' ValueString = """" & Replace(Replace(E.AttributeData.Value, """", """"""), "'", "''") & """"
' Application.OnTime Now, "'Sheet1.UpdateCell """ & E.Arguments.State & """, " & ValueString & "'"
End Sub
I also get a error on this line:
MonitoredItemArguments1.State = "D2"
Error: Object Required.
When you can resolve this for me I will be able to use this in production and buy the control.
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