Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your interest in our products.
QuickOPC can be used from Delphi, but at the same time from a large number of other tools and languages. For this reason, we cannot provide “out of the box” examples and precise guidance for each version of Delphi.
What we do is that we make sure QuickOPC and our examples work with some relatively old “puvot” version (RADStudio XE7), and expect a compatibility with newer versions – until we get an indication to the contrary, in which case we would resolve the issue.
QuickOPC may also work with older versions (such as Delphi 2007), but we do not have it as our design goal to support these. So, it is up to you to try it out.
In general, the procedure is to import the type libraries, as per , and then use the imported objects. We have Delphi examples that ship with the product, and are also in the User’s Guide (e.g. and switch to the “Object Pascal” tab).
class procedure ReadValue.Main;
Client: TEasyUAClient;
Value: OleVariant;
// Instantiate the client object
Client := TEasyUAClient.Create(nil);
Value := Client.ReadValue(
WriteLn('value: ', Value);
I hope this helps. If you run into any concrete issue or have more questions, please ask.
Best regards