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OpcLabs_BaseLib_TLB.pas(3364): E2003 Undeclared identifier

13 Nov 2019 12:25 #7967 by support
OK, so the X509ContentType type appears to be in mscorlib_TLB.pas, but it gives an error when used by OpcLabs_BaseLib_TLB.pas. I think you need to investigate on your side why this happens.

Perhaps the mscorlib_TLB.pas your are looking at is *not* the one that actually gets used by OpcLabs_BaseLib_TLB.pas, or something alike.

I trust that the compiler is correct. So, if it says "E2003 Undeclared identifier" about X509ContentType , you need to figure out why - on the level of source code, and project settings. We are not Delphi expert, and do not have your environment here - it works OK on a clean machine install.

Best regards

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12 Nov 2019 10:57 #7962 by Moien
Thank you for your response.
Yeah the mscorlib_TLB.pas unit from OPCLabs is already included in the uses of the program! I already checked it and the definition is as the following:

// Constants for enum X509ContentType
X509ContentType = TOleEnum;
X509ContentType_Unknown = $00000000;
X509ContentType_Cert = $00000001;
X509ContentType_SerializedCert = $00000002;
X509ContentType_Pfx = $00000003;
X509ContentType_Pkcs12 = $00000003;
X509ContentType_SerializedStore = $00000004;
X509ContentType_Pkcs7 = $00000005;
X509ContentType_Authenticode = $00000006;

// Constants for enum X509KeyStorageFlags
X509KeyStorageFlags = TOleEnum;
X509KeyStorageFlags_DefaultKeySet = $00000000;
X509KeyStorageFlags_UserKeySet = $00000001;
X509KeyStorageFlags_MachineKeySet = $00000002;
X509KeyStorageFlags_Exportable = $00000004;
X509KeyStorageFlags_UserProtected = $00000008;
X509KeyStorageFlags_PersistKeySet = $00000010;

But it is still not runing and I don't get it why.

Best regards,

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12 Nov 2019 10:10 #7961 by support

This type (X509ContentType) should come from the Microsoft type libraries - 'mscorlib', in this case (goes to mscorlib_TLB.pas).
Are you sure that one is imported properly? FYI, in the mscorlib_TLB.pas that we include witht e example, this type *is* defined. Can you search your own mscorlib_TLB.pas to see what's wrong?

Best regards

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12 Nov 2019 08:11 #7958 by Moien
Dear all,

Recently I installed the new version of Quick OPCLabs (QuickOPC-2019.1-Windows-Full.exe). I imported the new type libraries to Delphi 10.2 again and tried to run my old application which I compiled without any error with OPC-2018 version. I got the following error in the OpcLabs_BaseLib_TLB unit using the new verion.
"OpcLabs_BaseLib_TLB.pas(3364): E2003 Undeclared identifier: 'X509ContentType' ". Has anyone an idea how to solve this problem?

Best regards,

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