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Value Type Name seems to be not correct ?
The timestamps are incorrect (invalid) in the PubSub Wireshark trace too. It must be a problem in your mockup. Here is a message from your Wireshark capture:
It says "Timestamp: Not representable".
The bytes we are talking about are highlighted: 1F 99 68 38 5a D7 dd 64 . This means a number of 0x64ddd75a3868991F = 7,268,202,156,139,256,000, which represents cca 23047 years, which must be even added do the epoch (base date) of 1601, so the total is clearly way ahead in the far future.
From the OPC UA spec ( ):
A DateTime value shall be encoded as a 64-bit signed integer (see Clause which represents the number of 100 nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC).
Our subscriber's behavior is then exactly in compliance with the spec, because this date is transformed to latest representable date upon decoding, as the spec says:
Best regardsA date/time is decoded as the latest time that can be represented on the platform if either
The encoded value is the maximum value for an Int64,
The encoded value represents a time later than the latest time that can be represented with the DevelopmentPlatform’s encoding.
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It's an own written mockup and not finished.Regarding the timestamp: Which software is your OPC UA Publisher?
Do you think the wrong timestamps came from the mockup although i can see correct ones in the wireshark trace ??
So i tried again with your Demo Publisher, with UDP and ETH and both variants show correct timestamps in the OPC comandline Tool.
I think i should compare the different ws traces, there must be something different..
Thank you for your support. It helps me a lot.

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For obtaining the data type of a node, in client-server model, each data node has a DataType attribute, which you can read. It return a Node Id of the data type. The OPC specification has predefined a list of such datatypes, plus there can be custom datatypes. The ones that are in the specification are availablee in QuickOPC in the OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.AddressSpace.Standard.UADataTypeIds class, so you can compare to that.
In PubSub, the dataset metadata (if you have access to it, e.g. through the PubSub configuration made available form the OPC UA publisher) - contains the data type Id for each field in the dataset.
The timeouts at the startup are kind of "normal", because the code that sets up everything takes time to ramp up, but the check for message timeout runs independently of that and sees that no message has come in time. In general, in a system like Windows, we cannot guarantee execution time of the threads, and even later down the road, under heavier CPU loads, timeout may occur. You are right that delta frames are not in use (and they should cause timeout anyway).
Regarding the timestamp: Which software is your OPC UA Publisher?
Best regards
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if you need to determine data types of entities in OCP UA, there are other ways to do it,
What would your recommendation to check variables for correct type and format ?
And for the time display problem i did a wire-shark capture in the attachments.
This are the result from OPC command line tool:
I am also wondering about the 2 timeouts before messages are recived.
I already read:
But as far as i understand we don't send Delta Frames. So could there be any other reason for this delay ?
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As to the UInt32 in OPC UA being represented as Int64 in QuickOPC, this is by design. Please read: .
if you need to determine data types of entities in OCP UA, there are other ways to do it, it should not be done by looking at the actual values anyway.
If you need UInt32 value for processing, you can convert Int64 back to it easily.
As to the timestamp in PubSub, it is impossible to tell whether the subscriber is correct or not, with the information available. Can you get a Wireshark capture?
Best regards
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uaclient read opc.tcp:// "ns=2;i=1001"
Result (value): 608 {Int64} @2023-08-16T14:05:29.586 @@2023-08-16T14:05:29.586; Good
├─ServerTimestampLocal = 16.08.2023 16:05:29
├─SourceTimestampLocal = 16.08.2023 16:05:29
├─StatusCode = Good
└─StatusInfo = Normal
Command finished: read|r (0,5 seconds).
Value (608) is okay but the type (Int64) not. (is in real: UInt32)
Timestamp also OK
Same in Wireshark:
And the same variable readed over PubSub subscription:OpcUa Service : Encodeable Object
TypeId : ExpandedNodeId
ResponseHeader: ResponseHeader
Results: Array of DataValue
ArraySize: 1
[0]: DataValue
EncodingMask: 0x0d, has value, has source timestamp, has server timestamp
Value: Variant
Variant Type: UInt32 (0x07)
UInt32: 2078
SourceTimestamp: Aug 16, 2023 15:51:02.756122000 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit
ServerTimestamp: Aug 16, 2023 15:51:02.756123000 Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit
DiagnosticInfos: Array of DiagnosticInfo
ArraySize: 0
[4]: Success; 9999-12-31 23:59:59.999,999,900,00; Good; Data; publisher=[UInt16]1, group=1, writer=1, origin=A2B2F6B86619, mapping=Uadp, fields: 2
Field data (sequence): 2 element(s)
│[]│Source │Server │Status│Value│Value│
│ │Timestamp │Timestamp│Code │Type │ │
│ │Local │Local │ │Name │ │
│#0│9999-12-31 23:59:59.999│ │Good │Int64│348 │
│#1│9999-12-31 23:59:59.999│ │Good │Int64│517 │
here also correct value but a wrong type and additional a wrong time stamp.
Are these config problems or bugs ?
Best regards
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