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Design Question / Rely on automatic subscriptions or subscribe manually?
You are right, you still need to use one of the workarounds.
We have the corresponding functionality in the OPC UA part already, and QuickOPC either uses the the maximum number of monitored items per subscription as exposed by the server, or it can be overridden by the developer. I make a note of the possibility to implement this for OPC DA. However, all OPC "Classic" specifications are obsoleted, so besides bug fixes that are necessary, they do not receive much attention. So, I cannot promise anything in this respect.
Best regards
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If there is a limitation to the OPC group size on the server size, you currently need to manually "work around" this QuickOPC behavior; there are two approaches that can be used:
a) Use separate instances of EasyDAClient, and set their .Isolated property to 'true'. The downside of this is that not only separate OPC groups will be created, but also separate OPC server objects ("connections").
b) Trick QuickOPC into creating more groups by slightly varying the subscription parameters: For example, use 1000 milliseconds with one set of items, and 999 with other set of items. For this to work, the so-called "parameter bucketing" optimization needs to be reconfigured or turned off.
The workaround are kind of ugly, but that's how it is.
Best regards
Wanted to revisit this as I am working on upgrading from QuickOpc v5.63->v5.81. I've reviewed all the doc and code updates between these versions and have not uncovered any features that may remove the need to perform either of the two "workaround" options. Option b above seems most ideal if we have to go this route.
The question here, did I potentially miss something between these versions where it may now be possible to declaratively configure QuickOpc to limit group sizes without having to implement workarounds? If no feature exists, I would like to humbly request a feature be added whereby a max limit of items can be configured when QuickOpc creates a group from a SubscribeMultipleItems() call or something similar.
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First of all, I believe this post does not belong under the topic "Design Question / Rely on automatic subscriptions or subscribe manually?". Please create a new forum thread for new issues. if there is a relation to some other issue, link to it.
I have some questions:
1. Does your application only call ReadXXXX and WriteXXXX methods of EasyDAClient, or does it also do something else - such as calling SubscribeXXXX methods? The reason I am asking this is because when subscriptions are used, they do have the effect of keeping the connection open.
2. What is the precise error text you are getting (in your bullet #5)?
Best regards
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I was reading this topic regarding forcing a disconnect to the OPC server in a VB6 COM application:
1. The application writes data from the OPC server every 30 seconds and reads data every every 30 seconds.
2. The application communicates with an ABB AC800M OPC server
3. The application runs on a Windows2019 server.
4. The application uses client.ReadMultipleItems(arguments) and client.WriteMultipleItemValues(arguments)
5. The application runs without any problems for a week or two and after that it returns OPC errors for each item that that is read. It looks like that the items are not available anymore in the OPC server. Note that that a second application is running at the time the problem with the first application occurs. However the second application can still read all items from the same OPC server. However after some time this second application has the same problem.
6. The application does not recover from this problem until it is restarted (our client reboots the Windows 2019 server)
7. I did some tests with the Matrikon OPC server test application with general logging and found out that the QuickOPC client application never disconnects from the server
8. I like that force a disconnect from the OPC server because I think the problem is related to a connection that does not function correctly anymore
9. I configured the periods below but the the EasyDAClient does not disconnect.
10. The EasyDAclient object is defined defined in the VB module. Its not defined in the the function. I tried that before but then I get out of memory problems because the memory is not released.
11. I am using version QuickOPC-2022.1-Windows-
12. Please advise. Thank you
These parameter settings do nothing regarding detaching to the OPC server
client.InstanceParameters.HoldPeriods.TopicWrite = 1
client.InstanceParameters.HoldPeriods.TopicRead = 1
client.InstanceParameters.HoldPeriods.ServerDetach = 1
client.InstanceParameters.HoldPeriods.ItemDetach = 1
client.InstanceParameters.HoldPeriods.ServerDetach = 1
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- EasyDAClient.InstanceParameters.HoldPeriods.ItemDetach = 0
- EasyDAClient.InstanceParameters.HoldPeriods.ServerDetach = 0
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You are absolutely right about the timing: the actual removal of all items from the server, and the disconnection, happens some time after your code calls the corresponding method. There are timing parameters that influence how long it may take before the client actually disconnects.
With the knowledge of the parameter values, your code can wait some time before the application fully exits, giving QuickOPC chance to make the finalization tasks.
It is also possible to change the parameters, to shorten the delays.
- EasyDAClient.SharedParameters.EngineParameters.GarbageCollectionPeriod
- EasyDAClient.SharedParameters.EngineParameters.MaxClientAge
- EasyDAClient.SharedParameters.EngineParameters.MaxTopicAge
- EasyDAClient.InstanceParameters.HoldPeriods.ItemDetach
- EasyDAClient.InstanceParameters.HoldPeriods.ServerDetach
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My app subscribes to a handful of items on a given server. The app needs to be restarted for some reason or another. The app, before closing, disposes of an internal class which manages a reference to EasyDAClient. During dispose, the app calls EasyDAClient.UnsubscribeAllItems() and EasyDAClient.Dispose(). On the server side, I can see that the connection is maintained and the group of items previously subscribed are still maintained.
I imagine that the EasyDAClient instance will still wait some time before actually removing items from the group it created due to either "chunk size" settings and some other internal delays. My questions are around situations where I'd like to force a disconnect. I am open to other ways I should be thinking of or handling this type of situation.
- Is there a direct method of synchronously forcing an unsubscribe, removal of groups created, and disconnecting from a server?
- Is there a better method of handling this situation?
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as opposed to lower-level toolkits, QuickOPC does not give you direct control of OPC groups - they are largely "invisible" to you. And, in its default configuration, QuickOPC tries to put all items with the same subscription parameters into a single group.
If there is a limitation to the OPC group size on the server size, you currently need to manually "work around" this QuickOPC behavior; there are two approaches that can be used:
a) Use separate instances of EasyDAClient, and set their .Isolated property to 'true'. The downside of this is that not only separate OPC groups will be created, but also separate OPC server objects ("connections").
b) Trick QuickOPC into creating more groups by slightly varying the subscription parameters: For example, use 1000 milliseconds with one set of items, and 999 with other set of items. For this to work, the so-called "parameter bucketing" optimization needs to be reconfigured or turned off.
The workaround are kind of ugly, but that's how it is.
Best regards
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With our current OPC codebase which is not yet using the QuickOPC lib, we are chunking to limit the number of tags in each subscription request. There have been instances where the OPC server chokes if we send too many over at once. It appears that the chunk size is configurable in the QuickOPC 2020.3 release notes so that will be helpful.
Follow up question:
When subscribing to large set of tags, does QuickOPC make decisions on when to create another OPC group if the total tag set for a group is too large? I imagine certain OPC servers to have individual group size limitations but do not know if this might be handled automatically by QuickOPC or if it's something that could be configured.
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good questions, and I am glad that you have asked.
I will first provide the answers, and then some background explanation.
1. I suggest that you do the subscriptions explicitly, and turn off the automatic subscriptions.
2. Yes, it applies to all reads. In fact, ReadMultipleItems is *the* one and only true reading method on I/EasyDAClient. All other ReadXXXX methods just provide different forms of input arguments or outputs, and in the end they delegate (end up calling) ReadMultipleItems.
3. These are fairly high numbers, and it might be better to split into smaller chunks - more about it below.
4. These are "merged" into just one subscription (on OPC level) by QuickOPC.
5. See below.
Frankly, the automatic subscriptions have been designed mainly for one specific use case: A state-less, old-fashioned web application which shows OPC values on the page either on user demand, or by periodically refreshing the page. In such application it is impossible to explicitly subscribe and unsubscribe. But if you *can* subscribe and subscribe, you should do it.
In fact, we will be turning off the automatic subscriptions (by default) in the upcoming QuickOPC 2020.3, because except in cases like the one described above, it brings more problems than it resolves. And the whole area covered by your questions (things like merging the subscriptions etc.) gets a re-implement in QuickOPC 2020.3. See the preliminary What's New for 2020.3 here: . There is also ability to "chunk" the requests automatically.
I suggest that you create some "proof of concept" project. If you run into problems (which I suspect might happen due to large number of items), report them here. At that moment, however, I will kindly ask you to try out the new 2020.3 version (even if it's just pre-release at that moment), because due to the changes in the implementation, it would make no sense to try to resolved issues in the implementation that we are just discarding.
Best regards
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