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OLE error code 0

13 Aug 2020 08:02 #8749 by support
Replied by support on topic OLE error code 0
You are welcome :-)

You understand that now you need to test .Succeeded or .Exception of the returned result element(s), and also the status in the attribute data, before accessing the actual value, right?

It would be great if, after you finalize your work, you let me know here whether the original issue (pop-up boxes with OLE error code 0) has been resolved.

Best regards

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13 Aug 2020 07:31 #8748 by
Many thnaks, this workaround helped me.

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11 Aug 2020 18:03 #8737 by support
Replied by support on topic OLE error code 0
We have recently come across languages that have problems creating proper arrays for OLE automation (PowerScript, namely). It might be that VFP is one of them, too.

To work around it, try using ReadValueList instead of ReadMultipleValues. The example (in PowerScript) of that is below:
// This example shows how to read the Value attributes of 3 different nodes at once. Using the same method, it is also possible // to read multiple attributes of the same node. mle_outputtext.Text = "" // Instantiate the client object OLEObject client client = CREATE OLEObject client.ConnectToNewObject("OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.EasyUAClient") // Prepare arguments. By default, the Value attributes of the nodes will be read. OLEObject readArguments1 readArguments1 = CREATE OLEObject readArguments1.ConnectToNewObject("OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.OperationModel.UAReadArguments") readArguments1.EndpointDescriptor.UrlString = "" readArguments1.NodeDescriptor.NodeId.ExpandedText = "nsu=;i=10845" OLEObject readArguments2 readArguments2 = CREATE OLEObject readArguments2.ConnectToNewObject("OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.OperationModel.UAReadArguments") readArguments2.EndpointDescriptor.UrlString = "" readArguments2.NodeDescriptor.NodeId.ExpandedText = "nsu=;i=10853" OLEObject readArguments3 readArguments3 = CREATE OLEObject readArguments3.ConnectToNewObject("OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.OperationModel.UAReadArguments") readArguments3.EndpointDescriptor.UrlString = "" readArguments3.NodeDescriptor.NodeId.ExpandedText = "nsu=;i=10855" OLEObject readArgumentsList readArgumentsList = CREATE OLEObject readArgumentsList.ConnectToNewObject("OpcLabs.BaseLib.Collections.ElasticVector") readArgumentsList.Add(readArguments1) readArgumentsList.Add(readArguments2) readArgumentsList.Add(readArguments3) // Obtain values. OLEObject valueResultList valueResultList = client.ReadValueList(readArgumentsList) // Display results Int i FOR i = 0 TO valueResultList.Count - 1 OLEObject valueResult valueResult = valueResultList.Item[i] IF valueResult.Succeeded THEN mle_outputtext.Text = mle_outputtext.Text + "Value: " + String(valueResult.Value) + "~r~n" ELSE mle_outputtext.Text = mle_outputtext.Text + "*** Failure: " + valueResult.ErrorMessageBrief + "~r~n" END IF NEXT // Example output: // //Value: 8 //Value: -8.06803E+21 //Value: Strawberry Pig Banana Snake Mango Purple Grape Monkey Purple? Blueberry Lemon^

Basically, you create the same UAReadArguments as you already have, but then, instead of placing them into a VFP array, you create an "OpcLabs.BaseLib.Collections.ElasticVector", and use its Add method to add the arguments to it. And then pass the elastic vector to the ReadValueList method. The result is a list that can, however, be indexed as an array (if you get pass the ReadValueList method and get issues extracting the result elements, let me know here, too).

Best regards

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11 Aug 2020 16:08 #8736 by
Thanks for the answer, in fact I'm trying to do this, but I can't get the ReadMultipleValues ​​method to work

this is the code snippet and attached screenshot of the error.
PROC LEGGIMULTI param lpara Dimension arguments[2] Dimension results[10] ReadArguments1=CreateObject("OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.OperationModel.UAReadArguments") ReadArguments2=CreateObject("OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.OperationModel.UAReadArguments") ReadArguments1.EndpointDescriptor.UrlString = alltrim(.w_URI) ReadArguments1.NodeDescriptor.NodeId.ExpandedText ="nsu=urn:eclipse:milo:hello-world;ns=2;s="+alltrim(.w_NODOM)+"/param_lifetimecycles" ReadArguments2.EndpointDescriptor.UrlString = alltrim(.w_URI) ReadArguments2.NodeDescriptor.NodeId.ExpandedText ="nsu=urn:eclipse:milo:hello-world;ns=2;s="+alltrim(.w_NODOM)+"/state_production" arguments[1]=ReadArguments1 arguments[2]=ReadArguments2 results=oClient.ReadMultipleValues(arguments) ENDPROC
w_NODOM e W_uri are correctly valued.
I don't know what to do anymore, help ...


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07 Aug 2020 16:59 #8723 by support
Replied by support on topic OLE error code 0
We do not normally program here in Visual FoxPro.
You will need to take an example in some other COM-based language, such as VBScript or Delphi (Object Pascal), and rewrite them in FoxPro. These examples are here:

Best regards

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07 Aug 2020 15:21 - 07 Aug 2020 16:31 #8722 by
The error is trapped via visual foxpro's ON ERROR

below is a small piece of code where I invoke the ReadValue several times to test if there are alarms.
FOR nstati = 1 to .w_MAXSTATI VALUE = '. W_S' + alltrim (str (nstati)) MNEMONIC = '. W_MS' + alltrim (str (nstati)) STATUS = 'w_E' + alltrim (str (nstati)) IMAGE = '. W_SI' + alltrim (str (nstati)) REFOBJIMG = '. W_bs' + alltrim (str (nstati)) + '. Picture' IF & VALUE> 0 if vartype (oClient.ReadValue (alltrim (.w_URI), "nsu = urn: eclipse: milo: hello-world; ns = 2; s =" + alltrim (.w_NODOM) + "/" + alltrim (& MNEMONIC))) = 'L' if oClient.ReadValue (alltrim (.w_URI), "nsu = urn: eclipse: milo: hello-world; ns = 2; s =" + alltrim (.w_NODOM) + "/" + alltrim (& MNEMONIC)) & STATUS = 2 else & STATUS = 1 endif & IMAGE = iif (& STATE = 1, "bmp \ allarmerosso.bmp", iif (& STATE = 2, "bmp \ allarmeverde.bmp", "bmp \ trasp.bmp")) & REFOBJIMG = & IMAGE endif ENDIF ENDFOR

Can you please piostarmi a VisualFoxpro snippet to use the ReadMultipleValue method instead of ReadValue and maybe how to use events to receive an event if an alarm occurs?

I would be very grateful I can't find anything on the net
Last edit: 07 Aug 2020 16:31 by support.

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05 Aug 2020 12:30 #8705 by support
Replied by support on topic OLE error code 0
the code you posted does not show the error handling, which is what I wanted to look at.

There is no way to "pre-check", and there should be no reason for it, because when mechanisms for handling errors work well, one can simply check the result of the operation, without having to pre-check something.

If, for some reason, the error from ReadValue method cannot be "caught", I suggest to use some of the methods that do not throw errors for operation failures; instead, they return objects that you can further inspect to test whether the operation succeeded or failed. That is, you can use ReadMultipleValues or ReadValueList instead. If you read just one node, you will construct an argument array or list with one element, and an array with one result element will be returned to you.. The code will be longer, but the advantage is that these method never "throw" an error. Instead, your code will look at the Exception property of the result element, and if it is null, there was a success. If it is not null, there was a failure, and the Exception property contains an exception object with the details.

Best regards

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05 Aug 2020 07:50 #8702 by
Hi, here my snippety code I use:

oClient = CREATEOBJECT("OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.EasyUAClient")


oClient.ReadValue(alltrim(.w_URI), "nsu=urn:eclipse:milo:hello-world;ns=2;s="+alltrim(.w_NODOM)+"/"+alltrim(&MNEMONIC))

when the machine is turned on no problem, when it is turned off everything goes haywire, the softweare no longer responds, is there no way to check if the machine is turned on by some command before reading or writing?


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05 Aug 2020 05:39 #8698 by support
Replied by support on topic OLE error code 0
this might be some error in OEL Automation "plumbing" inside Visual FoxPro. We do not raise "OLE error code 0" form our code.

Which QuickOPC method is causing this precisely? Such as Read, ReadMultiple, ReadValue, ReadMultipleVaklues, etc.?

Can you post here the snippets of your code that show how you call the method, and how you do the error handling?

Thank you

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04 Aug 2020 14:20 #8695 by
Dear sirs,

We have a problem urgently enough to solve, I have already checked on the forum but I have not found anything that can help me.
We use the COM part of your application through VisualFoxPro and, if the ocpua server and the related connected machinery are turned on, everything works correctly; on the contrary, if the server is off, obviously an OLE error is returned which I can avoid by testing before communicating if the server's IP address responds.
If, however, the machine are spent after the default easyOPC timeout I receive an OLE error as per attachment and despite having instanced the ON ERROR function of visulafoxpro the OCX error is constantly presented to me.
What can we do?
Thank you

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