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Integration of EasyOpc to AWS lambda
On the other hand, it is unlikely that you need Enterprise or Ultimate, unless you have a need for advanced features such as OPC UA Global Discovery, or OPC UA COmplex data (custom structures).
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If you will have any interesting experiences or recommendations from using QuickOPC with AWS Lambda, I would be grateful if you share them with us.
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Very appreciated.
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the UA Configuration Tool isn't of much use for this.
You need the following directory structure at least:
(the two .der files are identical)
Currently I leave it as open question, what happens if the client rejects the server's certificate, because in such case it will attempt to store a copy of the rejected certificate into the RejectedCertificate, which would need to be writeable. Hopefully such problems will be ignored, but let's see.
I was now about to start explaining how you actually create the .der and .pfx using the UA Certificate Generator tool, but I think I have a better trick for you, which would not only generate the certificates, but also give you the right directory structure and be less prone to issues with improper certificate names (for lookup).
Here it is:
1. Using .NET Core (not .NET Framework), create a console application similar to , and in it, set the ApplicationName as you need.
2. Run the application. This will generate the certificate and create the above described directory structure, next to your your application's main assembly in the output folder.
3. Modify your AWS lambda to contain the same application name as used in Step 1 (include the statement "EasyUAClient.SharedParameters.EngineParameters.ApplicationParameters.ApplicationName = ..." at the beginning of your code).
4. Deploy the directories and files from Step 2 with your AWS lambda.
I hope this helps
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You absolutely right. I can publish the lambda to AWS together with all required certificates, I'm sure that they will be readable. Could you please help me to understand how to create these certificates in correct way, how to fill those fields etc?
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thanks for the details.
Well, it is a bold attempt to try to run this under AWS Lambda. I hope we will get it working!
From the call stack, the problem is not related to the licensing registration (as I expected). If you want to verify that, simply remove the license registration statement and see if there is any difference in behavior.
Most likely cause for the problem is related to the creation of OPC UA (client) application certificate. Some more info:
QuickOPC attempts to create the OPC UA client application certificate on the first run of application (more precisely, when it does not find the existing certificate). In the case of .NET Standard target, the "certificate stores" will be directories next to the main application assembly. And, I suppose that under AWS, none of that will be writeable, is that correct?
If so, are they at least readable? That is, are you able to deploy, together with your assembly, also a "file system" with directories and files of your choice? If so, I can then instruct you on how to create such structure and what to put there (a manually pre-created certificate), so that QuickOPC wouldn't have to try to create a new certificate file in there. This might be a somewhat tedious/complicated/lengthy process, but it is worth going through it and possibly document what was/needs to be done.
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Thank you for help!
When AWS lambda tries to execute following part:
and stack trace:
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I have redacted the code statement provided (instead of removing) - it now does not contain anything more than it is in our own examples and documentation - I hope this satisfies your request.
Kind regards]
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the code you provided should not be attempting to modify the assembly. if it attempts to something like that, it would be something we need to look at.
Can you provide a details of the error you are getting (a call stack)?
And, independent of that, I am quite excited about the fact that somebody wants to use our product in AWS lambda. Would you be willing to provide steps for a complete beginner (like me) to get started there?
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