Hello Z,
Currently, I am working with a customer who encountered the error:
OPC-UA service result - Self Signed Certificate is not trusted.
IssuerName: CN=EasyOPC-UA Demo, DC=kubernetes.docker.internal = BadCertificateUntrusted.
Status Code: {BadCertificateUntrusted} = 0x801A0000 (2149187584)
-=-=-Description: Self Signed Certificate is not trusted.
IssuerName: CN=EasyOPC-UA Demo, DC=kubernetes.docker.internal
Additional Info: <ExceptionTrace>
Now, we know that the issue is that this is not an issue with the OPC UA Client trusting the OPC UA Server certificate, but rather the OPC UA Client's certificate being in the correct Certificate Store on the machine. We also know that the code used in the OPC Data Client from the OPC Foundation requires the Client application certificate to be present in the Trusted Peers Certificate Store, which in this case is %CommonApplicationData%\OPC Foundation\CertificateStores\UA Applications.
Now, I am curious, and I was hoping you can provide me with an answer or perhaps point me on the right path - Do you know what determines where that certificate is executed by default? In other words, do you know why in some machines the certificate is in the "MachineDefault" path, and on other machines, it is in the "UA Applications" path?
Now, to remedy this, should I be able to just use this
to always force the certificate to be executed in UA Application path?
Thank you in advance.