As a first stage, we only want to access UA server considering there are no security policies and no need for user authentication and certificates.
- All good for browsing and selection of UA server.
- For browsing as a first stage, we only want to Browse Nodes and simple data Leaf (simple means native datatype like int32, bool, float, string, etc.. not complex datatype structure).
In OPC DA, when iterating over the DANodeElementCollection, the DANodeElement has .IsLeaf or .IsItem property that allows us to determine that a node is a data leaf.
it seems that with OPC UA there is much more complexity in the data browsed.
- The UANodeElement has not the .IsLeaf and .IsItem property to determine if a node is a simple (native) datatype.
We are aware that there is the EasyUAClient.BrowseDataVariables() method, but we need to filter the results only for simple datatype as mentioned above,
and excluded data structure from the results. How to achieve this?
- Suppose we achieve above and we get the UANodeElementCollection as the result of all simple type data leaves under a specific node,
how to retrieve for each UANodeElement, its NodeId, datatype (int32, float, bool, etc..) , IsArray, ArraySize, EU limits, EU unit & description?
Looking forward to your prompt answer