Sent: Friday, March 23, 2012 9:57 PM
To: Zbynek Zahradnik
Subject: RE: UA Browse Methods
I think that answers it for me. Explaining it as "filtering" makes more sense now.
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2012 4:15 PM
To: R.
Cc: W.
Subject: RE: UA Browse Methods
From the "Concepts" document, chapter "
I can elaborate more on the different types if you need – let me know if so.
In the end, all these methods just call into BrowseNodes. BrowseNodes is a fully generic method that takes UABrowseParameters, which is basically a "filter" for selecting the nodes to be returned.
Best regards,
Browsing for OPC Nodes":
There are following browse methods specialized for data access:
? BrowseObjects
? BrowseVariables
? BrowseProperties
? BrowseDataNodes
Objects (returned by the BrowseObjects method) are equivalent of folders in a file system – they provide means of organizing other nodes logically. Variables (returned by the BrowseVariables method) represent a value, and clients can read the value, write the value, or subscribe to changes of the value. Properties (returned by the BrowseProperties method) represent additional characteristics of a node which is not described by its attributes. The BrowseDataNodes method returns all kinds of data nodes – and we use the term data nodes for any of objects, variables, or properties.
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2012 4:29 PM
To: Zbynek Zahradnik
Cc: W.
Subject: UA Browse Methods
Hello Zbynek,
Can you give me some more insight into the different Browse methods in the Data-UA? What is the difference between the BrowseDataNodes, BrowseNodes, BrowseObjects, and BrowseVariables methods? They all seem to take the same parameters and return the same object?
In which cases would I use which method?
Thanks in advance,
R. Zbynek Zahradnik