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License works in Debug, but not when bundeled in an installer

09 Jun 2022 12:22 #10959 by support
Oh, great, thanks for letting me know.

The RegisterManagedResourceWithExistenceCheck really checks just the existence, that's by design. But we could have better diagnostic later on, e.g. in the error message, I agree with you in principle.

Best regards

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09 Jun 2022 10:59 #10958 by
I found the problem. My license while debugging was an ordinary file, but the one I was using while building the release was in unix format, so with unix style line endings. The error messages weren't helpful, I'd think that the RegisterManagedResourceWithExistenceCheck would throw an error if the license wasn't styled correctly.

Anyway, it works now. Thanks!
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08 Jun 2022 12:08 #10953 by support

yes, I understand that; it is weird.
Can you shrink your project down to just the parts that show the problem, and provide it to us? (but not here on the forums, because it would inevitably contain the license key). We can coordinate it via email, support09 (at)

Best regards

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08 Jun 2022 11:17 #10952 by

support wrote: Thank you. From the message, it is now clear the embedded license is not being found at all (as opposed to a situation in which it is is found, but rejected).

But I used the "RegisterManagedResourceWithExistenceCheck" method, which is supposed to throw an error if it doesn't find the resource. And it didn't throw an error.

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08 Jun 2022 10:40 #10951 by
I have this code:
long serialNumber = (uint) OpcUaMultidrop.OpcUaChannel.client.LicenseInfo["Multipurpose.SerialNumber"]; Console.WriteLine( "SerialNumber: {0}", serialNumber ); if ( LogSettings.LogChannelErrors ) if ( ( 1111110000 <= serialNumber ) && ( serialNumber <= 1111119999 ) ) LogToFile( "This is a stock demo or trial license of OPC-UA driver." ); else Console.WriteLine( "This is not a stock demo or trial license." );

And it is run after the registering of the embedded license, not before. This code returns "This is a stock demo or trial license of OPC-UA driver." which proves that the serial number is between those numbers. The exact serial number I got from the error message after 30min.

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08 Jun 2022 10:20 #10949 by support
Thank you. From the message, it is now clear the embedded license is not being found at all (as opposed to a situation in which it is is found, but rejected).

Question: You wrote "When I install our product with the installer, my program gets a serial number between the 1111110000-1111119999 range. "
Do you have some other code that retrieves the serial number in your app, or is the above statement based on just the serial number in the error message you get after 30 minutes?

If you have code that retrieves the serial number, is that code executed before registering the embedded license, or after (or both)?

Best regards

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08 Jun 2022 09:57 #10948 by
The whole message:
08.06.2022 11:38:54.206 *** Failure: Run time is over the limit in license "Multipurpose", serial number 1111111120. The license you are running (most likely trial version) does not provide valid data after certain time period expires. Note that after the component's process is simply restarted, valid data will be provided again. Obtain and install proper license to permanently resolve this error. You can ask for evaluation license key, if you need a longer run time for your tests. Product information follows. Component name: "QuickOPC", license IDs: "Multipurpose", version number: 563, release date: 21.3.2022., trial validity: 397 days, option expression: "EasyUAClient". Context: 0 dropped license(s). + The client method called (or event/callback invoked) was 'DataChangeNotification'.

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08 Jun 2022 05:19 #10943 by support
Thank you for clarification.

Please provide the full error message.

Best regards

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07 Jun 2022 19:58 #10942 by
I've deleted both 32bit and 64bit one, but I'll use Uninstall now, thanks.

I've only downloaded License Manager today, and this all is happening for the last 2 days. License manager isn't the source of the problem.

When I install the license in the registry with the License manager, both version work. But that way of installing licenses doesn't suite me. I need to have it installed as an embeded resource.

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07 Jun 2022 19:32 #10941 by support

Re "I've deleted the registry entries it created to get the wanted state.": That's not the right way to do it. The right way is to use the Uninstall license button inside the License Manager. You could delete the registry entries manually, but you need understand well what you are doing - and specifically, to be aware of the fact that there are 2 sets of them on 64-bit machine. If you have deleted just one, you may break things. And the effect might be that the license is still taken form the registry, although it is not visible in the License Manager. That could explain why it "works" on the development machine - it would mean that the embedding does not work (which of course is what you suspect anyway), but it would make it clear why it *appears* to work on the dev machine.


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