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License issue with only 1 subscribed node?

05 Jul 2024 17:05 #12924 by CFrayneIonic
Yes, that seems to be the case as I'm installing it on a device with v2024.1 and dragging it to the other device through RDP. I'll find another way to install it.
Thank you very much,
Connor Frayne

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05 Jul 2024 17:02 #12923 by support

[Sorry, I made a mistake, I meant 2024.1, not 2024.2, but that does not affect the reasoning provided]

Assuming that you are using QuickOPC from .NET (and not via COM interfaces like from VB6), it doesn't matter whether QuickOPC 2024.1 was installed on the machine or not.

What matters is what version of QuickOPC you have used when you have built the application. I am 100% sure that you have built it with QuickOPC 2024.1, because the version number is embedded in the software, and it is what the exception message says.

Best regards

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05 Jul 2024 15:34 #12922 by CFrayneIonic
Hi Support,
The device I'm running this on doesn't have QuickOPC 2024.2 installed.The problem may stem from how I upload the application to this device. Is there something in the QuickOPC app I need to change?
Thank you,
Connor Frayne

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05 Jul 2024 15:23 #12921 by support

The software that has thrown this exception is not using QuickOPC 2021.2 as you stated. In fact, it is using QuickOPC 2024.2 (internal version 5.80), which is not covered by the license key, and that's why it is giving the licensing error.

Best regards

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05 Jul 2024 14:03 - 05 Jul 2024 14:13 #12920 by CFrayneIonic
My application subscribes to multiple data changes over 80 or so nodes and updates a GUI based on their data. We have a logging system for this application and I noticed that it was being filled with the exception below almost every second. It seems to be a licensing issue but this is the only node out of ~80 that is throwing it.
I'm using OPC Labs QuickOPC 2021.2
Could not write to OPC server: OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.OperationModel.UAException: An OPC-UA operation failure with error ID 'OpcLabs.{B46575FF}' occurred, originating from '' and with depth of 1. The inner exception, of type "OpcLabs.BaseLib.Licensing.LicensingException", contains details about the problem. ---> OpcLabs.BaseLib.Licensing.LicensingException: Run time is over the limit in license "Multipurpose", serial number 1111111120. The license you are running (most likely trial version) does not provide valid data after certain time period expires. Note that after the component's process is simply restarted, valid data will be provided again. Obtain and install proper license to permanently resolve this error. You can ask for evaluation license key, if you need a longer run time for your tests. Product information follows. Component name: "QuickOPC", license IDs: "Multipurpose", version number: 580, release date: 2024-02-19, trial validity: 397 days, option expression: "EasyUAClient". Context: 1 dropped license(s); S/N 1999222000 (release date covered 2022-04-03). --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.IEasyUAClientExtension.WriteValue(IEasyUAClient client, UAWriteValueArguments writeValueArguments) at OpcLabs.EasyOpc.UA.IEasyUAClientExtension.WriteValue(IEasyUAClient client, UAEndpointDescriptor endpointDescriptor, UANodeDescriptor nodeDescriptor, Object value) at SB.OPCClient.WriteOPCUA1(Boolean[] writeArray) in C:\Users\Connor.Frayne\Documents\SafeBoxHMI\SafeBox_Components\SB.vb:line 2013

License information below

The status is showing active but it seems like its getting dropped? How can I fix this?

Thank you,
Connor Frayne
  • Last edit: 05 Jul 2024 14:13 by CFrayneIonic.

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