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Mapping stringIdentifier of kepware to nodeId
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This is with KepServerEX, right? If so, please send me the server configuration so that the example code can be verified.
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I am still not able to create nodeId . I am able to get browseElements using the suggestions mentioned. Can you please provide example to do something like this ?
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You have asked for an example that is equivalent to calling TranslateBrowsePaths. And I have given you such example. The original example also needs the starting node - it is the 'nodeId' argument to the Read method. So, you would use the same node Id as the starting node Id in my example.
The sequence of browse node elements, by itself, is relative. It cannot be used to identify anything, without also knowing where it starts.
The relative browse path you have given as an example ("2:Simulation Examples/2:Functions/2:User1") can, for example, start at the standard "Objects" node in the server (use UAObjectIds.Object in QuickOPC to easily identify it). But I cannot know it for sure, I do not have your server/configuration.
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It can be done in several ways, one of them looks somewhat like this:
UANodeId startingNodeId = ...;
var browsePath = new UABrowsePath(startingNodeId, new[]
UABrowsePathElement.CreateSimple(new UAQualifiedName(2, "Simulation Examples")),
UABrowsePathElement.CreateSimple(new UAQualifiedName(2, "Functions")),
UABrowsePathElement.CreateSimple(new UAQualifiedName(2, "User1")),
var nodeDescriptor = new UANodeDescriptor(browsePath);
Best regards,
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This is what I have currently and would need to create UANodeDescriptor for subscribing to data change
string browsePath = "/2:Simulation Examples/2:Functions/2:User1";
var browsePathParser = new UABrowsePathParser();
UABrowsePathElementCollection browsePathElements;
browsePathElements = browsePathParser.ParseRelative(browsePath);
catch (UABrowsePathFormatException browsePathFormatException)
Console.WriteLine("*** Failure: {0}", browsePathFormatException.GetBaseException().Message);
// Display results
foreach (UABrowsePathElement browsePathElement in browsePathElements)
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please read .
In QuickOPC, you do not have to go trough the extra step of translating the browse path. You can specify the starting node and the relative browse path, and the translation will be done for you.
You need to construct the UANodeDescriptor which contains the BrowsePath. Inside the UABrowsePath, there is the starting node Id, and a sequence of browse path elements. In your example, you have just one browse element (in each path), so you would just add one element.
You will then use the constructed UANodeDescriptor with methods on EasyUAClient for reading, writing, subscriptions etc.
Best regards
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Please see
example using Read and TranslateBrowsePaths method to translate these nodes
Is this possible to do somethin g similar in OPCLabs to convert these browsepaths to nodeId
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