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Using KEPServerEx Sim Driver && Getting dropped subscriptions
Best regards
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Kepserver "Project Properties" have "OPC UA" tab, where I had to modify "Max Data Queue Size" to 100 (from default 2).
It works now, thank you.
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Note that the server is free to revise the size of the queue (or may not support it).
Best regards
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I tried this with tag that changes every 10ms, but then I received ONLY one value per 500ms.
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About p.1 : Here are the subscription details, unfortunately I cannot decrease the rates:
QuickOPC-UA client (v5.32) subscribed to Kepserver with ~1700 tags with total update rate ~100Hz
All tags subscribed with 200ms rate, except of one tag with 100ms. The tags are updated 4 times/s maximum (250ms).
By the way, what does "queueSize" in UAMonitoringParameters mean?
I tried to increase "publishingIntervalMs", but then got only two points in 1 second instead of 100.
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There are several things that can be done.
First, what are the parameters of your subscription; specifically, what is the fastest sampling rate you are using? Isn't is unnecessarily fast? Can you increase the value (i.e. slow it down?)
Second, it may help to separate the EasyUAClient instances that you use for the subscriptions, and for node browsing. And, set the .Isolated parameter on them to 'true'. This should result in two separate OPC sessions, with less likeliness to interfere.
And third, we are working on an improvement to keep-alive mechanism that would, besides other changes, allow you to further tweak the parameters from the code, if it turns out that that a longer keep-alive interval is needed.
Best regards
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IDictionary<UANodeDescriptor, UANodeElement> elementCollection = new Dictionary<UANodeDescriptor, UANodeElement>();
UABrowseParameters browseParameters = new UABrowseParameters(UANodeClass.All, referenceTypeIds);
UANodeElementCollection nodeElementCollection = easyUAClient.BrowseNodes(endpointDescriptor, rootNode, browseParameters);
It creates ~90% CPU load
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